
Hooray! You’ve found my tiny site.

Beck Smiling in Orange Jumper

First things first…I’m a full-blown Jersey Girl. The non-fist pumping type who grew up near a big lake and now lives down the Jersey Shore just a few blocks from a major river connecting to the Atlantic Ocean. I absolutely love living here, and there’s always plenty of salt in the air to invigorate the soul.

I write primarily Romance with humor and super deep feely feel Women’s Fiction. My betas, critique partners, and writer friends have mentioned on more than one occasion I’m really good at putting the awkward into my FMCs. I find awkward highly relatable. Life is messy and awkward happens. In the Romance genre I love reading humor, and adore interwoven touches of magic.

I’m a super proud nerd.

In 2018 I finished a Doctor of Letters.

What is that? (Don’t worry, everyone asks this question.) Essentially, a D.Litt. is a Doctorate in Humanities.
I was able to take a great number of well rounded courses in subjects I love. I devoured history, writing, and philosophy courses. Throughout my studies in undergrad, graduate school, and for my doctoral program I was fortunate enough to study in Japan, China, and in Ireland. Ultimately, I wrote my thesis and dissertation on topics incorporating identity theory.
Why is this important?
A good deal of my writing focuses on the MCs looking to figure out who they are. For me, identity and the search to understand our identities is such a relatable subject. (The subject itself is beautifully complex, and yes we all have multiple levels of identity. I won’t keep writing about this here because I’ll nerd out for hours.)


Chesapeake Bay Retriever Mix

My four-legged writing partner’s name is Elmore. She essentially cuddles next to me, or stares at me and happily sighs until she gets a treat. We’ve been together since she was about 9-weeks old. This June she turned 10!